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Summer 2017 is Over

Summer 2017 has concluded and autumn -- my second favorite season, with spring being the first -- is in full swing. The air is a bit crisper and the leaves are turning colors. As the seasons transition, it can also be a time for reflection and anticipation. Pause for a moment and consider your business performance and professional development over the past months.

As you start your reflection, ask yourself some questions and be honest in your answers. Are there lessons to be learned and shared? Are there things you would have done differently? What actions can you take now to stay on the path to success?

I also like to take time to reflect on the non-business activities I've done with friends and family that enrich my life. Time away from the office and the daily pressures of business offers a fresh perspective that can reveal opportunities that I’ve been too busy to notice. Are there ways that you can improve your own work/life balance?

While reflection is healthy, it's just as necessary to focus on the future and create a decisive plan to get there. What do I want to accomplish? Are there unresolved issues that need my attention? What adjustments to my plan need to be made before I can move forward?

As the leaves change and the thermometer creeps closer to freezing, autumn signals it’s time to think about 2018. Beyond the end-of-year activities that can consume us, take time to revisit your business plan, adjust your future goals, pull together a planning retreat with your staff and look for ways to revitalize your business.

I hope that, like me, you take a moment to appreciate the sights and smells of autumn and anticipate the refreshing changes they bring.

~ Debra

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