Texas-sized Chunk of Antarctica Melts Off
Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf is the largest floating block of ice in the world, and unfortunately, it's melting from above and below. For...

Avoid Age Discrimination in the Workplace
Over the past 15 years, age discrimination cases have accounted for 20-25 percent of all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)...

Millennials Show Strong Saving Habits
Millennials are helping America save more money. A survey from the Princeton Survey Research Associates International, showed that...

Race to Lead
The Nonprofit Association of Oregon called attention to a new report by the Building Movement Project called 'Race to Lead' that...

What's a B Corp?
Wayne, Pennsylvania-based B Lab honors companies that meet strict performance requirements and participate in a rigorous certification...

Equality vs. Equity
Check out the image above, titled "Equality vs. Equity." It's one of the best visual representations about why equality isn't the same as...

Top 10 Business Trends to Drive Success in 2017
You're saying, "It's May already!", but the trends that Ian Altman of Forbes proposes will be of interest to nonprofits and businesses....

Google takes action to curb to hate speech & fake news
Google is taking action to curb two big problems that have been plaguing its platforms: Hate speech and fake news. Up until now, the...

5 Myths About Gen Z's Expectations in the Workplace
Most organizations have adapted to the expectations of the millennial generation in the workplace, but now it’s time to gear up for the...

Americans Widely Support Paid Family and Medical Leave, but Differ Over Specific Policies
Americans support the idea of paid leave, whether it’s for medical reasons or family needs, but the question of whether such leave should...