Minority-owned Companies Drive Growth
New data compiled by The Business Journals (a sister publication of Bizwomen) shows there are more than 11 million minority-owned...

Why is Autumn the only season with two names?
It's interesting: Before it was autumn and fall, it was harvest. While the modern names of winter and summer have been around for more...

Summer 2017 is Over
Summer 2017 has concluded and autumn -- my second favorite season, with spring being the first -- is in full swing. The air is a bit...

Are Unnecessary Policies and Rules Impacting Your Small Business Growth? Tell Us Your Story.
Now through Oct. 16 at sba.gov/ReducingRegs, the SBA is collecting comments from small businesses to help the agency identify unnecessary...

5 Mid-Year Tax Planning Strategies
For many small business owners, thinking about taxes occurs only twice a year: when returns are being prepared, and at the end of the...

Texas-sized Chunk of Antarctica Melts Off
Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf is the largest floating block of ice in the world, and unfortunately, it's melting from above and below. For...

Avoid Age Discrimination in the Workplace
Over the past 15 years, age discrimination cases have accounted for 20-25 percent of all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)...

Millennials Show Strong Saving Habits
Millennials are helping America save more money. A survey from the Princeton Survey Research Associates International, showed that...

Race to Lead
The Nonprofit Association of Oregon called attention to a new report by the Building Movement Project called 'Race to Lead' that...

What's a B Corp?
Wayne, Pennsylvania-based B Lab honors companies that meet strict performance requirements and participate in a rigorous certification...