It's Almost 2017 -- Have You Worked on Your Annual Goals?
We’ve just finished the first in a string of holidays, which will all lead us straight to January 2017! But before we get there, I hope...

This is why I'm a founding member of the Women's Foundation of Oregon. The nonprofit organization has produced the first comprehensive...

Refining the Art of Relaxation
Traditionally, summer was the time for family vacations and time away to relax and recharge. These days our busy lives oftentimes don't...

Leadership Qualities, Circa 1776
Two hundred forty years ago, on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, severing the 13 Colonies...

Summer on the Streets
Construction Zone Ahead - Summer on the Streets Spring has sprung and summer is on its way, which in Oregon also means the start of the...

Keeping the Economy Moving
Keeping the Economy Moving Next month my firm will begin recruiting for businesses in the Portland Metro area to participate in a...

Exploring Ways to Keep Things Moving in Smart Growth Communities (and more)
Since 2013 I've been honored to serve on the National Cooperative Highway Research Program panel that has been working on the Integrating...

Finding Inspiration in Mentoring (and more)
One of my personal career goals has been to mentor professional women in their career development. I've had the opportunity to meet and...

Refining Your Management Style
How we spent our time last year Many of you read the last blog post, where I shared that Synergy had surpassed its 2015 goals. Since many...

Synergy Resources Group Extends Goals
2015 reflections and accomplishments As you may remember in November 2014, I decided to rededicate my energies to growing my consulting...