Clever Scam: An Unfortunate Mistake Offers Valuable Lessons for Employees and Bosses
It seems that our inboxes are always full of poorly crafted emails with questionable attachments from unknown senders, trying to gain...

Why Do Employers Use Personality Tests?
When employers can better understand their employees’ individual traits and strengths their organization can thrive. Personality tests...

How Do You Actually Create Diversity in the Workplace?
There are many conversations happening around diversity in the workplace. However, I’m finding that few businesses know how to respond in...

Steps to Organizational/Business Planning
Synergy Resources Group has found that only about 10-15% of businesses have an effective planning process, and many don't realize that...

A New Year is Around the Corner
Very soon we’ll be starting a new calendar year, with 365 new days to grow as individuals, as well as grow our businesses. While we’re...

Avoid Age Discrimination in the Workplace
Over the past 15 years, age discrimination cases have accounted for 20-25 percent of all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)...

Millennials Show Strong Saving Habits
Millennials are helping America save more money. A survey from the Princeton Survey Research Associates International, showed that...

Equality vs. Equity
Check out the image above, titled "Equality vs. Equity." It's one of the best visual representations about why equality isn't the same as...

5 Myths About Gen Z's Expectations in the Workplace
Most organizations have adapted to the expectations of the millennial generation in the workplace, but now it’s time to gear up for the...

The High-Performance Workforce for Your Business
What segment of the workforce is growing the fastest? If you guessed millennials, then you’re correct! They currently make up one third...